
Showing posts from August, 2018

Okra Abbey, Miramon Center, and More

Last Sunday (July 29, 2018), I was asked to talk about 5 minutes on some of the mission work I do with  an emphasis on why I do it and what it means to me. It was part of a worship service where the sermon  was made up of several of us giving similar 5 minute talks. Here's mine: I’ve been asked to talk about Miramon Center and Okra Abbey. I promise I’ll get there… For a long time I thought that  the best ways to spread the Good News was to argue with people, or to  advertise to them. And that the way to measure my discipleship was by the number of people and  pledge dollars I brought into church on Sunday. But that’s wrong. The way to spread the Good News to people is to show them hard, solid, difficult love. For me, part of doing love is telling people the truth that I wish I heard when I was younger, and sometimes the truth I wish I heard more often now. So I sit down with the preschoolers here once a month or so and listen to them, letting them know th